In case “porn star” is on your list of career options


Well, why not?  It pays better than teaching a bunch of rude ignorant drugged up kids in an average US public school. 

And if your physical attributes need a little improvement, you can get boob jobs, lipo, face restructuring, and this

Ain’t modern medicine wonderful?

2 responses to “In case “porn star” is on your list of career options

  1. I’ve been learning about this myself.

    But in regards to porn & the perfect cookie cutter designer genitals, here’s a site that performed some additional research I wouldn’t have though to do myself. You might find it interesting.

    P.S. I am a public school teacher. lol.

  2. It was on my list of career options and so now I am! Got the boob job long before I ever thought to become a porn star. Would like to get them bigger now but not because I’m a porn star. I just Love Big Boobs! Think I will leave my sweet little fuzzy red kitty alone. She’s happy the way she is! Purring perfect in fact!

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